
Rezension – Support für Kolbenschmidt

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Vielen Dank an Herrn Reinhardt, der Firma Kolbenschmidt für die positive Rezension:

„I would like to give a great reference to company Roth Automation for great support.
I was comming with a request to help regarding machine which is ca 30years old, manufactured in cooperation with Roth Automation and Kolbenschmidt.
Machine has still original system 840C. The machine is still producing – pistons valve pockets milling operation.
I came with a request to help with a problem to use an hydraulic units which were not used for a long time and the referring of axis was not working.
I received all data available from machine manufacturing time (commented PLC, NC/MD, e-plans) from archive in 2 days. This is helping us now to solve the problem.

This approach and way of support is not really standard in todays time.
Thank you.“

Jan Reinhardt – Senior Project Manager KS Kolbenschmidt

Roth Stichwortverzeichnis

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